Tour of Scotland – Part 4

The 4th started not so good, initially I thought the bike wouldn’t start up, got it going, still running like a camel, I passed through Aberdeen, it seemed nice enough, probably didn’t stay long enough to appreciate it.

I stopped off in Stonehaven too, nice place too, but probably only a place you would call in if you’re in the area. I blatttered on down the main dual carriageway, and couldn’t help but notice that the average speed cameras were a bit of a pain, traffic slowing down, speeding up, kind of ruined the flow of the journey.

I then stopped off in Kirriemuir,  Bon Scotts (ex AC/DC) birthplace, it seemed pretty quiet, and from what I’ve found out since then, there is an actual Bon Scott festival there each year. Above all,  I can now say I’ve been where a legendary singer was born!

I finally landed in Dundee, and figured out what was wrong with the bike. The people that had been working on my bike hadn’t fitted the choke cable correctly,  I got it sorted and it was right as rain.

Dundee itself, it seemed okay, I didn’t really do anything there, the place itself looked a bit grey.   The people I was staying with were friendly enough,  and were pretty helpful too.